The short version is that all cabinet heights should be an increment of 32mm (example: 768/32 =24). As long as you can divide your cabinet height (excluding the toe kick height) by 32, and get an even number, you are on system.

When you use the Cabinotch Full Access Library for KCD, all cabinets will have a default height that is in system. If you use the increment option (up arrow and down arrow) to move your cabinet height up and down in increments of 32mm, you will stay in system, even if you have changed the scale to Inches.
The same logic is built into the door and drawer front heights as well. Doors and drawer fronts should be a divisible of 32 after adding back your chosen reveal (example: 157mm top drawer height plus our 3mm chosen reveal equals 160mm. 160/32=5).

As with the cabinet height, the door and drawer front heights have the increment option (up arrow and down arrow) to move your door and/or drawer front height up and down in increments of 32mm. Again, you will stay in system, even if you have changed the scale to Inches.